(520)733-7000 office@brainstemaz.com

Host STEM Clubs

1 Hour



Free Hosting Options

Informal Learning

We work in our community to support students, parents, and teachers in the formal education setting with additional STEM learning opportunities. Our work uses fun activities as an effort to raise student engagement and interest in their own education in the classroom and as lifelong learners. The activities in our after-school science clubs reinforce the process of learning and growing our minds in ways that can be fun and interactive.


Our instructors share our love for inspiring kids to nerd out in a safe environment. Each Brain STEM instructor has state-issued fingerprint clearance (details below). Brain STEM is blessed to maintain a diverse team of instructors, changing and growing with the business. We provide work for retired/substitute teachers, community-minded college students, moms and dads, and other trusted individuals who share our passion for the mission of Brain STEM.

- Safety -

AZDPS Fingerprint Clearance Cards

Every Brain STEM instructor has a valid level-one fingerprint clearance card, issued by Arizona's Department of Public Safety.


We will gladly supply you with a certificate of co-insurance. Please provide our office with the name and address that should be listed on the certificate for your organization.

Club Seasons

Clubs run in themed seasons. Each theme holds several unique topics that are explored during hour-long classes. Class activities are a combination of exciting demonstrations and hands-on activities. Our goal is to use our brief time with our students to inspire and excite them about science!

Roster Limits

Roster Max: 25

Class sizes are limited; we cap each club roster at 25 students. There is also a minimum roster size of 12 students. These limitations helps create a balanced learning atmosphere for the kids including individual and social projects.

Roster Min: 12

We may need to cancel a club when registration numbers are too low. We attempt to make exceptions possible when when we're able.

Brain STEM Avg: 20

Our average roster size from 2017-2019 was 20.

Class Frequency

1 day per week.

Independently funded clubs, such as those funded by grants or community funds, may be scheduled in daily recurring sessions.

Season Duration

6 or 12 weeks

By request, alternate season durations may be available.

Class Duration

1 Hour

Skip Dates

We schedule in line with your calendar. In schools for example, we skip holidays and half-days in line with their calendar.

Early Release Days

We are happy to provide our clubs on early release days. We're hopeful holding clubs on early release days provides additional scheduling benefits to parents.

Early release days have at times been confused for "half-days." For our scheduling purposes they are similar but different! We keep a recurring start time which early release days can allow for.


Individual class pricing starts at $12 per student.

So, let's show 2 possible scenarios:

1. Registration-Based

This scenario requires no payment from the host school or organization. We run a registration-based club where parents register through our website and pay us directly. Each student's registration fee is equal to $12 per class for the season club season duration. This base rate of $12 may increase when Brain STEM is charged additional fees, such as district-level facility use fees.

1b. Vendor Fees

As an outside vendor, we are happy to pay reasonable fees as needed. However, those fees increase each participant's registration fee by a share to cover the additional expense at minimum class registration.

2. Independently Funded (Grant/Sponsor/Other)

6-Week Club: $1,800
12-week Club: $3,600
Individual Class: $300 (see workshops page)

Booking Online

Follow this link if you'd like to invite us to your school or organization to run a STEM club.

Ask A Question

Our office would love to speak with you about what we do! Just give us a call or send a quick email.

Employment Opportunities